Software engineering interview questions

Software engineering interview questions

1.What is computer software?

Ans. Computer software is a complete package, which includes software program, its documentation and user guide on how to use the software.

2.What is computer software?

Ans. Computer software is a complete package, which includes software program, its documentation and user guide on how to use the software.

3.What is software engineering?

Ans. Software engineering is an engineering branch associated with software system development.

4.What are your thoughts on Agile development?

Ans. Interviewers who ask this question are interested to know your views on the Agile software development process and practices to assess how compatible you are with their processes.

If you were involved with projects involving Agile previously, share your opinions and experiences on the software programs and procedures.

5. What is a framework?

Ans. A framework is a well-known method of developing and deploying software. It is a set of tools that allows developing software by providing information on how to make it on an abstract level, rather than giving exact details. The Software Process Framework is the basis of the entire software development process. The umbrella activities are also included in the software process structure.

Software engineering interview questions
Software engineering interview questions

6.What is the main difference between a computer program and computer software?

Ans. The key difference between software is a collection of several programs used to complete tasks, whereas a program is a set of instructions expressed in a programming language. A program can be software, but software the vice versa is not true.

7.What does a software project manager do?

Ans. Debugging is the process of finding a software bug, in the context of software engineering. To put it another way, it refers to the process of finding, evaluating, and correcting problems. Debugging is essential once the software fails to run properly.

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8.What are CASE tools?

Ans. CASE stands for Computer-Aided Software Engineering. CASE tools are a set of automated software application programs, which are used to support, accelerate and smoothen the SDLC activities.

Software engineering interview questions

9.What is physical DFD?

Ans. Physical DFD focuses on how the system is implemented. The next diagram to draw after creating a logical DFD is physical DFD. It explains the best method to implement the business activities of the system. Moreover, it involves the physical implementation of devices and files required for the business processes. In other words, physical DFD contains the implantation-related details such as hardware, people, and other external components required to run the business processes.

10.What is software re-engineering??

Ans. It is a process of software development which is done to improve the maintainability of a software system.

Software engineering interview questions

11.What is verification and validation?

Ans. Verification is a term that refers to the set of activities which ensure that software implements a specific function.


It refers to the set of activities which ensure that software that has been built according to the need of clients.

12.How can you make sure that your code is both safe and fast?

Ans. In the software, development security is always first. So if the execution of the program is slow then, I will try to identify the reason out ways to its time complexity.

13.What language do you like to write programming algorithms?

Ans. Every developer has their views when it comes to the programming language choices. Though, one should prefer high-level languages because they are dynamic. Like C and C++ languages.

Software engineering interview questions

14.Compare waterfall and agile models and provide examples of their use cases?

Ans. The waterfall methodology is a sequential process where tasks are handled in a linear fashion. Generally, itโ€™s best used when the requirements are clear, well-known, and entirely fixed.

The agile methodology uses an iterative process that relies on cyclic patterns with a high degree of collaboration. Agile provides ample room for feedback and future adjustments, making it a better fit in cases where goals and requirements may shift, or other unknowns are likely to arise.

15.Explain the concept of object-oriented programming (OOP)?

Ans. Object-oriented programming is a model that centers on data fields with distinct behaviors and attributes โ€” referred to as objects โ€” instead of logic or functions. Developers focus on the objects that need to be manipulated instead of the processes required to manipulate them.

Like the question above, you can use examples from past projects to make your answer more compelling and show your understanding of differences between functional programming and OOP.

16.Which model can be selected if the user is involved in all the phases of SDLC?

Ans. RAD model can be selected if the user is involved in all the phases of SDLC.

Best of luck guys ๐Ÿ‘

About Sahil Dahiya

Sahil Dahiya is a close follower of tech and everything that has the word 'smart' involved. This makes him passionate to write about everything revolving around the world of technology. He can always be seen surfing the web and while heโ€™s not working, you can find him watching netflix and reading comics.

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